Creston Housing Hub

The Rental Standards Bylaw in the Town of Creston provides a detailed description of landlord’s responsibility for repairs and maintenance of rental properties.  This local bylaw, applicable only within municipal boundaries (Town of Creston), goes into greater detail on heating systems, hot water, infestations, exterior walls, roofing, elevators, fire escapes, etc.

If you do not know if you live within the Municipally (Town of Creston), please phone the Town of Creston at 250-428-2214

If a landlord is refusing to make certain repairs, then a Bylaw Complaint needs to be completed with the Town of Creston.  Upon complaint, a Public Safety Compliance Officer will inspect the rental property and work with the landlord to correct identified deficiencies.  This may lead the Public Safety Compliance Officer to issue warnings and fines to a landlord, or otherwise enforce the bylaw. Further, the bylaw could be used as evidence for a repair order at a Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) dispute resolution hearing.